<p>I don’t know much about this school, but I think it might be a mistake to be too black and white about this. Talk to a trusted adult, preferably the counselor or science dept. chair, and you could also have a parent talk to the Governor’s School to see how binding the commitment is, does it hurt anyone if you change your mind, you want to be honorable, etc.</p>
<p>When you talk to those folks about your dilemma, you can say that you are an honorable person and want to honor commitments as best you can, especially if not honoring the commitment hurts anyone, but at the same time you really really want to go to this other program, that you already know. Say you don’t know what to do, and want to do the right thing, and ask their advice.</p>
<p>Did you know about this other program (the one you want) before making the commitment? Did you think you might get in? Do you remember having any qualms about making the commitment? Did you play the system, or were you being honest and honorable? It sounds as if you were, but just asking…</p>
<p>Also, how much of a role is nervousness playing in this dilemma? Do you feel safer going to a program you already know? Are you afraid of trying something new, or something further away?</p>
<p>First and foremost, make sure you really, really do want this other program rather than the Governor’s program. From what others are saying, the Gov.'s program sounds great, and sound like an honor. So maybe you should consider doing it, and the other program another time.</p>
<p>But if you are sure you want the other program, then, as I said, don’t make this a morally rigid matter than you have to decide on your own. Give yourself a break, be honorable, but have the courage to talk with those two adults, and maybe there is some leeway that will let you feel okay about changing, maybe not. At least you will know for sure.</p>