Parent's weekend 2016

Hi. Looking way ahead…does anyone know when Parent’s Weekend will be for the Fall of 2016? I emailed an office I found on the website for parent support, but no response in weeks. We will need to fly in, and I want to put the dates on my husband’s travel calendar way in advance so there is no conflict. Thanks in advance.

I love a fellow forward thinker!
Did you contact Parent Programs directly? Here is their info/# from their website: “If you ever have additional questions, or if we can help in any way, please contact the Office of Parent Programs using the toll-free Parent Helpline at 1-800-392-2777, or e-mail”

The past 4 years have been:

Sept 25-27 2015
Sept 5-7 2014
Sept 20-12 2013
Sept 21-23 2012
…so, some weekend in September! :wink:

Usually (based on my sleuthing on CC), these dates are not firmed up until early in the new year. The 2016 football schedule might give you a clue, but that isn’t out yet either (Nov?).

The 2016 SEC schedule came out today.

They will not release the dates for Parents Weekend until late spring.
If I had to guess it would be one of the 2 home games in September. Either Sept 10th or Sept 24th.

FYI: Some hotels are already showing sold out. Marriotts and Hiltons are not showing their dates yet. They are a bit more closely vested and keep the dates to keep from being booked until they have the schedule. VRBO is also a viable option.