<p>I was reminded this weekend what it's like to have a first visit with a freshman on campus for Parent's Weekend when that weekend coincides with Halloween... very, very interesting.</p>
<p>That being said, we got in typical stuff... shopping, tour, eating out, meeting friends, etc.</p>
<p>My plane was scheduled to arrive Friday afternoon in time for us to drive to D2's school, and catch some of her a cappella group's rehearsal. They were not going to be able to participate in the general a cappella fair with the other groups this weekend because so many of their members are in the musical. Dang it if my plane wasn't delayed three hours - I was practically crying in the airport. </p>
<p>However, at rehearsal, the group must have discussed other parents wanting them to do an impromptu performance, because Saturday afternoon (after the rain finally stopped, and the sun came out), they gave us a sneak peak. At that moment, watching my daughter, I knew she was incredibly happy where she's at. I couldn't believe how much she has bonded with people so quickly.</p>
<p>When we went out shopping on Saturday, she didn't even ask for any new clothes, etc. for herself. She just wanted to get some stuff to put together a Halloween costume. We found a very plain, modest black dress, she printed off pictures of the planets from the internet, glued them to foam board, then glued them to the dress with fabric glue, and she was Miss Frizzle from Magic School Bus. I think out of 18 years she's had of Halloween, this was the cutest costume of all!</p>
<p>Anyway, her roommate goes home every weekend (for her job), so we had a little more freedom hanging out in her room in between things to do. H and I went to see the musical last night, but since she's seeing it with one of her classes on Thursday, she chose to use the time to work on her costume. </p>
<p>Oh, what was a BIG, BIG, BIG, hit was my suggestion that she come back to our hotel room with us for a bit, and enjoy a nice, long bath. She rubbed it into everyone's nose she could when she got back. Hearing her a cappella group made our trip worth it to us, and her having the opportunity to take a long, hot bath made our trip worth it to her. :)</p>