Party Scene...Need ADVICE PLEASE :) from current students

<p>so I got accepted, did an overnight, and am stoked about CMC but one concern is the partying. Its good to have fun but it seemed to me like alcohol was a huge part of the culture there, and I know that in college 'peer pressures' arent a big issue but I am personally not a partyer and would rather hang out, board games, go dancing, or be the question for current students is-would CMC be the right place in that area?
I know of the substance free dorms but i wanted to know if there is a portion of the population of the 1000 undergrads who share the same 'lifestyle' and "sense of self" to not get wasted all the time (not to say I wouldnt join in the parties occasionally, but I know I am not gonna be one to get drunk every weekend after a stressful week)...
Would love any input thank you!</p>

<p>well, i'm pretty big on the drinking, so i'm probably not the best person to answer your question.</p>

<p>that said, theres someone elected each year who runs dry events; so karaoke, movies, twister, etc are all thrown on friday nights and stuff like that and they're dry.</p>

<p>it's true that many of the students like to party hard; but there's definitely a large number of students that don't party often, especially in the south quad dorms.</p>