Party School

<p>I am so tired of everyone saying this. Really. When people ask, so where is your son going to school, and I say UDel, without fail the response is, "Oh yeah, big party school". How very annoying is that. So today at a soccer practice another mom did that to me, so then I asked her where her D was going, and she said "Holy Cross", and oh, the comments that popped into my head that I wanted to say, but did not!!! Instead I just said, "Oh, what state is that in?" :)</p>

<p>The Good for you.</p>

<p>I go to Delaware, I'm not some "mom" and it is a decently good party school. So when people say that, don't be too surprised. People drink heavily and often and you could go out almost 7 nights a week if you really wanted.</p>

<p>You do not think that they can party 7 nights a week at Holy Cross?</p>

<p>Do most students at Delaware party all the time?</p>

<p>Harmon, people drink at all schools, and can go out 7 nights a week without trying too hard. And I mean schools at all levels, State and private, large and small, prestigious or not.</p>

<p>My point exactly. So why get offended when people say Udel is a party school when in reality, it is a pretty well known party school. Sure, people can drink a lot at every school, but some schools are known for it more than others.</p>

<p>However, this shouldn't take away from UD's great academics. Work hard party harder.</p>