<p>I cannot do well on the passage based reading. This is the section on the CR that drags my score down. I usually get around a 600 on the CR section and I'll be taking my last and final SAT this Saturday (I'm a senior by the way). How can I get at least a 650, preferably 700 without too much effort?</p>
<p>You definitely won’t get there without working for it.</p>
<p>general tips are to read questions first, break passages by paragraphs, underline sentences you think are relevant, and save the summary questions for the end.</p>
<p>Honestly, its difficult to “study” for this, you just need to read alot, to understand how to analyze text, and not be overwhelmed by all the information. That just takes practice.</p>
<p>I got a 780 on this section, and I honestly didnt study much except for memorizing some vocab. On the other hand, I’ve been an avid reader my whole life.</p>
<p>Well,I follow a different approach from the above poster.I read the passage first,without looking at the questions,try to really get myself interested in the passage(not hard,they’re pretty interesting bits of info),try to understand the maximum I can by reading.Hence,when I go onto the questions,I don’t have to waste time looking for information as it’s all there in my short term memory.
Aso,dont forget to underline underline underline!</p>
<p>Use your pencil tip to track the words as you are reading. It helps you focus on the words and sentences. Read the passage first before looking at the questions. As Perf… said UNDERLINE important info. For long passages, try writing a phrase on the side that summarizes each part of the passage (but no more than 4-5); it will help you get back to relevant sections quickly when you are answering questions. Most importantly, read and CONSIDER ALL CHOICES because you have to pick the best fit; there might be more than one that fit somewhat but after considering all choices, one would fit better than others. Questions with answer ‘E’ are most commonly answered wrong, in my experience.</p>
<p>You probably won’t reach it if you’re still struggling two days before the test. Just cancel and take it in November if you don’t do well.</p>