PAY IT FORWARD: Essay Editing Thread

Hi CC, with all the threads about college essays and editing lately(and more to come), I thought it would be a good idea for one complete thread. I know there’s already a list on here of readers who are adults willing to read essays, but this is a thread where we can help each other (and not overwhelm the people over there). If someone offers to help you out on an essay, you help them-simple as that! I think this will also motivate us to take the time to read other people’s and help them, instead of passing by as we might be inclined to. I’ve already edited a few for people on here, so anyone can ask me! Obviously, only do the exchange if you are comfortable with it or you might be ok with a one way exchange, like I am. Be sure to tag the person to find exchanges easier. I hope this thread will be used and make things smoother.