<p>I was thumbing through the college catalog of UNT and noticed that they assess additional fees for applied music lessons. I was shocked! I can see if you aren't a music performance major. Perhaps I am misunderstanding, and I will definitely check it out on Monday and call the School of Music. But I was wondering if any of you are paying extra, on top of tuition, for your music performance majors to have their lessons?</p>
<p>Actually, UNT charges for many things but their tuition was so low that it did not affect our opinion of their program. As I recall, there is also a fee for using a practice room which students pay.</p>
<p>At Indiana music majors pay an additional fee of $670 a semester, and I think that covers private lessons and perhaps some other things required for music majors. If you want to take lessons with someone besides your regular teacher, I believe you have to pay extra.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if it's true that students pay extra each semesterfor music composition lessons at USC? I emailed them, but haven't received a reply.</p>