<p>Even with harvard's financial aid, I will need to find some merit based scholarships to make up the school's tuition costs. Problem is: I am a Canadian student who wants to study in the US. What merit based scholarships are available for someone like me who wants to study in America from a foreign country??!!</p>
<p>I really don't know where to turn and kind of feel blocked out of a great education like the one Harvard or any other Ivy can provide...</p>
<p>Does anyone know of such merit based scholarships?</p>
<p>I’m not really sure but some US scholarships don’t require you to be an American citizen or a permenant resident.
You can call the financial office at Harvard they give different types of financial aid packages that in many cases cover up most of the cost.</p>
<p>Harvard’s financial aid is REALLY generous. I really wouldn’t worry about paying for it, unless you’re just overexaggerating. But if you really would have financial difficulties paying for Harvard, Harvard will take care of you. Why don’t you just focus on getting in first?</p>