<p>I have no previous undergraduate debt. But I would like to continue to Law School. I'm a US citizen, my parents are expats living abroad. So I studied my undergraduate degree abroad where I live. I do want to move back to the States, but I'm unfamiliar with Financial Aid. My parents spent their savings already in my UG degree, so I really have not much saved money. I would have to pretty much loan/scholarship my way. I intend on working if possible to afford my living expenses, as much as I'm capable of. </p>
<p>Also, I don't know if this matters or not:
*My current degree is a law degree (LLB) and I will have license to practice abroad (where I currently live).
*I would love to work in the military, government, public defender or inhouse counsel.
*IT/IP/Intl Criminal Law/Intl Humanitarian Law interest me greatly.
*Although I did conduct research for my UG degree (thesis), I don't really have career oriented work experience. I've actually had to work to help out a little in my house and unpaid interships weren't the best options.</p>
<p>What options do I have?</p>