<p>Dear board,</p>
<p>Penn admissions is visiting our high school this fall - can anyone give me feedback on what they will actually do here? If there are 15 or so students, will the admissions person meet with them one-on-one to get to know them? Are the Penn admissions staff given student profiles/grades/SAT scores before hand so they know the background of the student the are meeting? </p>
<p>Many thanks for your answers. </p>
<p>they’ll probably just give an overview of the unique characteristics of penn, and then be available for group-level or individual questions.</p>
<p>the other things, like meetings and profiles, may depend on the school; generally speaking i would think those things are rare, if they happen at all.</p>
<p>its just an info session. they hold one at my HS every year. its usually the regional rep (guy who first reads your app). doesnt matter. 5/6 people who go in from my school didnt go. i was the only one who went and got in. just to get students interested</p>
<p>yea at my school there was 10 of us, the regional rep answers questions, mine was really funny and made jokes with a friend and I about applying. don’t worry if u don’t go of the 2 others that got in from my school 1 didn’t even go</p>
<p>Thanks everyone
<p>If you are free, I would go to the meeting. It’ll be informal, and nothing to worry about. You’ll likely learn something about Penn that you didn’t know and have another opportunity to ask questions. Always fill out the little card if you get one. It shows one additional admissions “contact.” Not gonna put you over the top for an admission, but everything helps.</p>