<p>Hi my name is Josh. I am a current student at UPenn. I am also one of the co-founders of Real Ivy a website geared towards the Ivy League (<a href=“http://www.realivy.com)%5B/url%5D”>www.realivy.com)</a>. Visit the site and you will see what I am talking about. We are in the process of relaunching the site this summer after making some updates, and we are gearing up for the new school year. </p>
<p>Right Now we are looking for new bloggers for the Penn section of the site for the upcoming year (the class of 2010 can apply). What does being a blogger entail you ask? Well it is pretty chill. Basically you will write at least 2 blog entries a month about WHATEVER YOU WANT. Think of your blog as your personal editorial space. You can write about anything from current events going on around the world to a story about a walk to class one day. A lot of students attending Ivy League schools and those who will be apply are going to be reading these blogs as well. Also blogging is very easy and won’t ever take time from your studying. If any of you are interested in this opportunity please visit the Penn page at <a href=“http://www.realivy.com%5B/url%5D”>www.realivy.com</a> and click on the bloggers link to apply. If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message.</p>