<p>Does going to Penn's CAS for undergrad boost your chances of getting into Wharton MBA? Does Wharton give preference to applicants who graduated from Penn?</p>
<p>Maybe, but they probably give more to students who went to Wharton undergrad.</p>
<p>No, they discourage it (unless you have some sort of special research project going on in which case you’re more likely to be there for a PhD), because you’re basically doing the same curriculum over again. Heck one Wharton professor I asked said the MBA curriculum is just a dumbed-down version of the undergrad curriculum.</p>
<p>Of course; I doubt there are any illusions about the usefulness of the actual curriculum… But then you have a Wharton MBA, which essentially guarantees you a job.</p>
<p>I wonder if all the unemployed former masters-of-wall-street would feel the same way…</p>
<p>The only guaranteed job is bartending</p>
<p>Once you graduate from Wharton undergrad you already are in the Wharton alumni network. It’s really useless to go to Wharton for your MBA again. You’re better off expanding out, even if it means going to a slightly lower ranked school like Kellogg or Tuck, and thats if you even need/want to go back for one.</p>