<p>rofl abcfox, good deal. I plan on doing the same w/ cs:s after those pesky mid year reports go out.</p>
<p>yeah i need to start up cs again. screw finals</p>
<p>it should only take you 2-300 hours to get to 60, then there isnt too much to do</p>
<p>i dont know what I am doing this summer
i need to find something</p>
<p>Once you get to 60, you gank n00bs. Ha!</p>
<p>Hmm haven't played CS:S in a while...</p>
<p>I didn't actually write about my summer, but in ninth and tenth grades I went backpacking, sea kayaking, and such on a program. the summer before eleventh grade I did <a href="mailto:summer@Brown">summer@Brown</a>. this summer I spent in Israel meeting other people my age of different levels of Jewish observancy, and we spent time with Bedouin communities together. I'd say just do whatever you're passionate about.</p>