Penn Engineering?

<p>My first choice for Penn is M&T, and I'm trying to decide whether to do Wharton or Engineering as my second. Wharton is obviously much more highly respected, but I would think acceptance chances would be ~3 times greater for engineering than wharton. (Thinking 8% vs 24% as a guess). First of all, is this a good guess? </p>

<p>And on to the college of engineering-</p>

<p>Anybody know much (or little) about it? You don't exactly see it next to the big names in engineering. Is it well-respected in the world? Is it easier or more difficult or the same to get into an engineering major than a more "typical" Penn major (i.e. economics, English, etc). Is it ABET accredited? How is job recruiting for straight engineers, and how about people who major in engineering but decide to go into business (maybe they minored/double majored in econ)? Anything else at all?</p>

<p>well, what do you want to know about the engineering school?</p>

<p>there’s a bunch of penngineers here - we are abet accredited</p>

<p>straight engineering recruiting depends on major - many business-type firms come looking for engineers, which is why so many of us go to banking, consulting, private equity, etc.</p>

<p>or, premed, prelaw, prevet, other fields</p>

<p>Penn’s CIS (especially AI technology) as well as biochem engineering are very prestigious.</p>

<p>I’m most interested in mechanical if anybody knows about that.</p>
