Hi Team,
I just applied to Penn LPS undergrad BA program 3 days ago. Does any one have a admissions lead time? Thoughts or comments about the program? Advice? Also feel free to post general LPS related discussions, I exhausted every LPS post on the internet.
Have you heard from LPS these days? Do you know when they will send admissions via email? Thank you!
I had an interview last Tuesday (03/27). Currently waiting on an admissions decision.
Got accepted for Fall 2018.
Thanks guys 
@PalfromJersey Hi! Congratulations on your acceptance! I just applied to the LPS program yesterday. Just wondering, how long did it take for them to email you about an interview after you submitted your application? I know interviews aren’t guaranteed to every applicant, just wanted to inquire how long you had to wait before you heard back from them.
@PalfromJersey @pvirtuoso I was accepted for CAS, but what is the difference between LPS and CAS since they basically take classes interchangeably under the School of Arts and Sciences? If so, why is LPS easier to get into than the traditional undergrad route to Penn? Thanks.
UPenn College of Arts and Science diplomas are what all LPS students receive, so they are indistinguishable from regular CAS student (it appears the only thing that might be different is the transcript).
From the moment I submitted the application, the whole process took 5 weeks. I received an invitation for an interview about 3 weeks in.
LPS students and CAS students receive the same diploma, but they are very different and very distinguishable.
- LPS financial aid is peanuts compared to CAS
- LPS students CAN NOT take classes during the day that are outside their intended major
- LPS students CAN NOT take classes in the other schools on the LPS tuition rate. They must pay the full tuition of the class from the other school.
- LPS is made for non traditional students (military veterans, etc)
- LPS students CAN NOT play varsity sports
- Penn in general is really iffy about transferring credits over. The individual departments evaluate credits instead of the registrar. So these individual departments have absolutely no problem denying you classes. Wharton (who give credit for business courses) flat our rejects any class taken at Community College.
I put a lot of negatives up there, but being in Penn LPS is a dream though. But, I like to make sure everyone makes an informed decision about attending.
@PalfromJersey Thank you for the info and congrats on getting accepted into UPenn! Few questions about LPS if you don’t mind
“Yet LPS is unique in all of these programs as it is the only one which awards the very same degree to its students as the parent school. One of the reasons for this, and one of the main distinctions between LPS and some of its rivals, is that students in LPS can — and usually are — required to take classes with regular College students in their major.”
Is this a lie?
any course past 5PM is labeled an LPS course.
CAS students can take LPS courses.
LPS Students can take core curriculum courses during the day as well - they just have to fill out a tuition reduction form. (These are non “LPS” courses because they are during the day).
HOWEVER, the only classes LPS Students can take during the day (with the LPS tuition) are the core curriculum and classes in your major. If the class is not in your major, for example a Wharton Class or a higher level economics class if youre a bio major, then you have to pay the full CAS tuition (which is a lot higher than LPS tuition rates).
Ask any questions, I will gladly share what I know.
I am the type of person that does exhaustive research in everything I plan to do.
So ask away.
Based on the information I have reviewed, (specifically veterans) some students are able to take these courses through financial aid and other scholarships.
Side note: I spoke with LPS staff earlier this year and they assured me the degree is still the same as all CAS students.
I will be a full time student, and I have figured out that attending classes not in your major is not that difficult. The reason being is LPS allows students to somewhat create a unique degree. However, this is not the norm most people stick to the degree paths identified by LPS/CAS.
@PalfromJersey “I am the type of person that does exhaustive research in everything I plan to do.” Based on this statement, I am going to assume you were one of two things: Air Force or Navy.
Ofcourse you can take other classes if you have the financial aid /GI bill.
I wasn’t just explaining in the context of everybody, not just Veterans.
And I was stupid in HS. I was in the Army 68W
Isn’t LPS cheaper than attending Penn via CAS? It is like 3k per course/credit in LPS while I believe it costs 53k per year for CAS. So how is the cost of attendance compared to CAS after aid? I personally received 51k from Penn Grant, and 10k from government aids (federal, state, and city aids combined) to cover the 67k for tuition and room and broad.
How easy is it to transfer into LPS from other colleges (asking for one of my friends)? How easy would it be to transfer between majors in LPS? Do you have to declare a major before applying, or you can choose to apply as undecided like CAS? Do LPS have a core curriculum /general education requirements for graduation, or is it just major specific requirements?
So my friend would be in community college next year as freshman, would he be able to transfer into LPS as a transfer after her freshman year?
I’m not sure if your friend can apply just because he attended community college. I would encourage him to reach out to the admissions office.
@Angelababy30 Are you a traditional student?
@Zuko2018 Yes. I am currently a high school senior and will be attending CAS next year!