<p>I don't know about Wetmere's "firsthand knowledge," but Penn happens to have one of the best Art History departments in the country. For example, in the last National Research Council (NRC) rankings of graduate programs (from 1995 and a bit dated, but scheduled to be updated later this year and still the most respected rankings of their kind), Penn's Art History department was ranked among the top 10 in the country. As the department's web site describes it:</p>
Penn’s Department is an internationally renowned leader in the History of Art and Architecture, with a long, distinguished record of teaching, mentoring, and research. The faculty are committed to innovative instruction, and they work closely with students to develop skills in the interpretation of art works and in the understanding of visual culture.
<p>Department</a> of the History of Art</p>
<p>Further, in addition to Art History, 6 other Penn arts and humanities departments were ranked in the top 10 nationally in the NRC rankings (English, French, Linguisitics, Music, Religion, and Spanish), and another 3 were ranked in the top 20 (Classics, Comparative Literature, and German). Moreover, 3 of Penn's Social Science departments were ranked in the top 10 nationally (Anthropology, Economics, and Psychology), and another 2 were ranked in the top 20 (History and Sociology).</p>
<p>NRC</a> Rankings in Each of 41 Areas</p>
<p>Also, with about 6400 undergraduates, Penn's College of Arts and Sciences is by far the largest academic component of the university, is literally and figuratively at the heart of the university, and offers extensive and comprehensive academic advising services for undergraduates:</p>
<p>[url=<a href="http://www.college.upenn.edu/advising/index.php%5DAdvising%5B/url">http://www.college.upenn.edu/advising/index.php]Advising[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Penn is exceptionally strong in Art History in particular and in humanities in general, and many Art History and humanities majors not only survive quite well there, they flourish.</p>