<p>Has anyone not received their Penn Portal Information from Penn yet?
I've submitted my common app in on 31st Dec - specifically for Wharton, but my friends have already received it (though from other schools).
So I'm getting a little worried...
Should I expect something by mail/paper? Should I send an email to confirm?
Anyone in the same situation? </p>
<p>I’m an international student here and I haven’t received it either! Submitted 31st as well. Neither have all my friends, so I guess we just continue waiting :)</p>
<p>Son received an email Friday saying they received the application and that the Portal info had either been sent or would follow shortly, which he hasn’t gotten yet. Has anyone called them?</p>
<p>Then we should expect ours mid Feb o.o That is kind of late, though it is a relief to know we probably aren’t forgotten. What worries me is that something doesn’t reach and I won’t know till it’s too late :(</p>
<p>Even if you have your portal ID and everything, there’s no big difference.
Most of the requirements appear to be not received…They are still sorting things out.</p>
“something doesn’t reach and I won’t know till it’s too late”
thats what i’m feeling right now. esp having penn as my first choice @_@</p>
<p>Tell me about it It’s not only my first choice, but also the only school I’ve applied to atm since I wasn’t so interested in much else haha. Do you think it’s a good idea to e-mail or call them up? Though I can just imagine them getting bogged down with calls from students asking about “Penn Portal” which may slow them down even more :P</p>
the only school you’ve applied???
well i guess since many internationals haven’t received any info yet…
I’ll wait another week…</p>
<p>Yeap, I’m an international student So I only need to apply now abroad to UK, USA, etc. Though I only applied to Penn overseas because it’s the only school I want to go to (it’s my dream school hahaha). Otherwise, all the other colleges are the same to me, so I’d just apply to a local college when applications here open ;(</p>
<p>And I’m worrying because my friend submitted the same day as I did, but she just got Penn Portal e-mail :X</p>
<p>icic same here.
But I got my offers from UK so I’m just waiting on Penn!
I’ve checked with my school and apparently they’ve ackn. they received it on Jan 7th. Guess it just takes a while for them to process</p>
<p>All right, I got it 2 hours ago. Feel very relieved now. I sent mine in 31st Dec. I think you’ll all get it soon-ish too!
Though half the things are unreceived =D Guess that’s being processed.</p>