Penn State Class of 2027 DECISION THREAD ONLY

Accepted to UP? What program did they apply to? Summer start?

I assume he applied liberal arts (his father oversaw it). Fall start.

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Wow it’s been so quiet. I hope things pick up. Checking the portal constantly is no fun at all. Sending positive vibes into the universe that a lot of people will get good news soon!! :pray:


SAT: Optional
GPA: 3.55–all college prep/no Honors or AP etc (NJ public school)
ECs: Moderate volunteering/Yearbook editor/After school & summer job at local market (this was what her essay was about
but I don’t even know if they read those?)
Application marked as complete 10/05. No email but she randomly checked the portal today. Accepted to University Campus Fall 2023 start College of Health and Human Development. Is it okay to admit I’m pleasantly surprised? Good luck to all!


congrats! Still anxiously waiting for (acceptance I hope!) to Health and Human Development. Question
was GPA weighted/unweighted?

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Unweighted! Actually–her weighted and unweighted are technically the same I guess given that she has no honors or AP. Good luck!!!


My daughter’s test optional button disappeared last night and she was admitted today to Main Campus for Fall in the school of Education.
She doesn’t have an actual GPA because she is a part of our alternative school and doesn’t receive letter grades for English and social studies classes in 11th and 12th grade. She has almost all A’s in every other class, but has no rigor, but has a 32 ACT. Great EC’s - class president all 4 years, 3 sport athlete. runs a few impressive clubs, started a business, but no clue if any of this means anything at such a big school. We are from a public school in NY.


Oh yes, that’s right you did mention that there were not any APs
oops. Well congrats again! Hopefully we will hear good news soon too!

My daughter just checked her portal and found an acceptance to University Park. It wasn’t there when she looked yesterday. Her TO button never disappeared. She did not receive an email, so tell your kids to check their portals every day.

College of Education
OOS - California
4.0 UW, 4.1 W GPA
test optional
school does not rank
applied 9/24
full-time summer job, volunteers 2x week for 2 years tutoring middle school kids


Congratulations! Where in the portal would a student look to see if they have a decision. We keep looking to see the TO button disappear.

DD accepted tonight!

Bellisario College of Communication - Advertising/PR Major
3.6 UW, 3.94 W GPA
Test Optional
School does not rank
Lots of extracurriculars, NHS, etc.


When they open the portal, they should see a decision right away if they are accepted.

Thank you!

Hey guys! I am currently a HS Senior who just got accepted into PSU Main Campus for Political Science and thought I would share my stats for those who are eagerly waiting. This forum helped me so much so I wanted to share it with you all:

GPA: 3.8 UW
Rigor: All Honors classes, 3 APS, 2 Dual Enrollment
EC: Manager of Community Pool, Congressional Intern, Swim Instructor,Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Track and Field
Residency: In-State
SAT: Test optional
Community Service: Ran a community event in my hometown during Christmastime
Letter of Recommendation from Congressman submitted on Common App
Hook: None
Ethnicity/Gender: White, female

Hope this helps! Good luck!


Daughter was accepted at midnight- TO button went away around 6 PM

NJ resident
Triple legacy- mom and grandmother
GPA 100 point scale used- she has around 100 weighted GPA
5 AP’s, mostly accel classes otherwise
did not send SAT’s
Did not put summer session
International Relations major UP
Minimal EC’s (some , but not much with Covid)
She’s a triplet- one sister applied, has not heard yet. GPA slightly lower, applied for Psych. SAT’s were not sent for her either, put she would go summer session. Still waiting on her decision!
Goodluck everyone! WE ARE!!!


Dd accepted! university Park , fall
Test optional
Uw: 3.75. W: 4.5
Lots of ec: sports mostly, nhs, referee job
9 Ap, 3 De, rest honors
Applied 10/13 heard 12/2


University Park Acceptance
Test Optional
5 APs and the rest of core classes were honors
No class rank
UW 3.97/W 4.3
Applied in September EA
Accepted 12/2


DD was Accepted this morning !!!
GPA: 3.98 UW, 4.07 W

of Honors/AP Courses: 15+ H, 3 AP, 1 DE

Rank: School does not rank
State Residency: PA
Applied date: 9/1/22
Applied Early Action: Yes
Decision date: 12/3/22
Major Applied to/Accepted: Biology
Decision/College: Accepted, Eberly College of Science
Campus applied to/Campus accepted to: University Park/University Park
Did not choose summer session

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DD accepted to Smeal, University Park
GPA: 4.0 unweighted/4.7 weighted
SAT: Test Optional
ECs: Started small business, internship, lots of community service, leadership in many school clubs
Applied Oct 8, accepted Dec 1

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Congratulations! Is your student in state or out of state. My child is still waiting but applied TO which I have been worried about regarding Smeal so nice to see someone without a test get in.