Penn State Class of 2027 DECISION THREAD ONLY

Out of state. Good luck!

SAT: 1470
GPA: 3.91 UW; 3.5 W
Rank - school does not rank
PA Resident
Applied Date - end of October
Decision date - within the last week - son doesn’t check portal more than once a week
Major Applied to/Accepted - Engineering/Engineering
Decision - Accepted to College of Engineering
Campus: Applied & Accepted UP


GPA: 90.5 weighted- about 3.7/4.0 is the equivalent (don’t know unweighted because school doesn’t provide it)
ACT: (submitted): 28
Rank: high school doesn’t rank
Out of State: New York (Long Island). Very competitive public high school, ranked very highly, with rigorous curriculum.
ECs: Varsity football player, president of a club, NHS, lots of volunteer work, Co-founder of a local chapter of an organization that brightens the days of service workers, works as a lifeguard outside of school. Not a super high stats kid, but very well rounded.
Applied: 9/14/22
Campus: Applied & accepted University Park
Decision: 12/6/22 Accepted for Fall 2023 - Division of Undergraduate Studies (undecided)

Not a “high stats” kid, but he’s very well rounded.


SAT: 1310
GPA: 3.96 UW; 4.05 W
Rank: school does not rank
No APs, handful of honors courses. PA public school with rigorous academics.
ECs: 9+ years of dance, theatre, vocal
performance, and piano. Started small business, volunteer hours.
State residency: PA
Applied early action: Yes
Applied Date: 11/1/22
Decision date: 12/6/22
Major Applied to/Accepted: DUS, Undecided
Decision: Accepted
Campus: Applied and Accepted at UP for Fall 2023
Willing to do summer: Yes

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BEYOND THRILLED. Twin girls both accepted.

SAT: Test Optional
AP test scores: all 4s
GPA: 4.07
Rank: school does not rank
9 APs (including 5 during senior year), remaining honors, Virginia school with county-wide rigor
ECs: Cheerleading, Gymnastics, FBLA, Equity Coalition, Young Democrats, MyVote, DECA
State: Virginia
Legacy: Grandparents
Applied early action: Yes
Supplemental Essay: Yes
Applied Date: 10/18/22
Decision Date: 11/15/22
Major: College of Education, Rehabilitative Science
Decision: Accepted
Campus: Applied and Accepted at UP for Fall 2023
Willing to do Summer: Yes

SAT: Test Optional
GPA: 3.76
Rank: School does not rank
3 APs, remaining classes honors
ECs: 10+ years competitive cheerleading (worlds team), HS cheer, volunteer w/ multiple organizations for developmentally disabled and autistic youth; Peer mentor at High School for teens with disabilities/ and nonverbal, Teach for Tomorrow, Internship student teaching 2nd grade
State: Virginia
Legacy: Grandparents
Applied Early Action: Yes
Supplemental Essay: Yes
Applied Date: 10/8/22
Decision Date: 12/5/22
Major Applied/Accepted: College of Education, Pre-education
Decision: Accepted
Campus: Applied and Accepted at UP for Fall 2023
Willing to do summer: Yes

I hope this helps as families wait for decisions! I can add the TO button disappeared around 8pm and 6pm respectively for both girls. The decisions dropped at midnight. We have been very anxious given the time lapse between decisions. I feel this validates decisions are random and applications are read as they drop into a workflow. WE ARE!!!


Congratulations! And thank you for all the helpful info.

After checking the portal 1637389 times in the past few weeks, the TO button disappeared shortly after 6 pm today. I now see a transfer credit option which wasn’t there before (or at least I never noticed it?). :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Good luck! Transfer credit option was always there.


Good luck sending positive vibes​:white_heart::blue_heart: @BritY

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This is the first college acceptance my dd received. Very relieved!

SAT: 1480 submitted
AP test scores: none
GPA: 4.0
Rank: school does not rank
3 APs , 4 yrs foreign lang
ECs: Artwork in museum, art related clubs and internships, Pres of dance club
State: NY
Legacy: None
Applied early action: Yes
Supplemental Essay: Yes
Applied Date: mid Oct 2022
Decision Date: 12/7/22 midnight
Major: College of Arts and Architecture - Digital Arts and Media Design
Decision: Accepted
Campus: Applied and Accepted at UP for Fall 2023
Willing to do Summer: No



congrats!!! finally another acceptation from college of arts and architecture ( I was accepted to landscape architecture) :slight_smile:


Test Optional
GPA: 3.8 UW
Number of Honors/AP Courses: 6
Rank: school doesn’t rank
State Residency: PA

Applied date: August, 2022
Applied Early Action: Yes
Decision date: December 7, 2022
Major Applied to/Accepted: Digital Arts and Media Design/Digital Arts and Media Design
Decision/College: Accepted, Fall 2023, College of Arts and Architecture
Campus applied to/Campus accepted to: UP/UP


yeh, another acceptation from College of Arts and Architecture! Congrats!!!

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Any Nursing students accepted yet?

Admitted for fall 2023 University Park! Bellisario College of Communications.
OOS, 3.75w, 2 APs, test optional, fair ECs and community service, strong work/intern experience in related field, strong essay explaining that experience and career goals. Not sure what is really considered, but happy she’s 1) accepted, 2) for fall, 3) to main campus, 4) to her intended major. :)))



GPA: 3.99 weighted
Number of Honors/AP Courses:
Rank: school does not rank, likely top 15%
State Residency: CT

Applied date:
Applied Early Action: 10/18
Decision date: 12/7
Major Applied to/Accepted: Eberly- Physics
Campus applied to/Campus accepted to: UP/UP


any forensics accepted yet?

Any Engineering accepted yet?

My son got into UP for Aerospace. Posted his stats on 11/21

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