Penn State Class of 2027 Merit - Provost Award, Schreyer and Scholarship Thread

No, haven’t accepted yet. Yes, everyone is considered.

Does information about merit and aid appear anywhere other than email, e.g, lionspath or the main portal? Or is it just email and letter? My son’s lionspath is showing 1 “to do list” item, but the item is simply a note saying Penn State received the FAFSA. There doesn’t appear to be any actual action needed, but I’m a bit nervous about not being able to clear the to do list. Anyone else seeing this?

At the moment, I don’t see it reflected anywhere other than the email (and the email said we would get it in the regular mail as well).


It will show up on the portal with a link. Also comes in an email.

My son received the Provost Award on Jan. 30th. We are from Texas and his major is Geography. We had heard not to expect any merit from Penn State, so it was a nice surprise. He has not accepted yet.

My daughter was excited to get awarded an engineering endowment scholarship last week and she was invited to Impact Scholars program. She is still waiting to hear about Schreyer honors. Wondering if that affects eligibility for Provost? Hoping Provost is still rolling out :grimacing:

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Thank you. Found it in the portal yesterday!

We are waiting on Schreyer as well and received the Provost’s Award. My understanding is that scholarships and Schreyer decisions do not have an impact on Provost’s Award. Each is independent of the other and they do stack. Congratulations to your son!

The Schreyer Honors College will release its decisions on Tuesday, February 28, at 3:30 p.m. ET!

I have not accepted my offer yet because I’m waiting on the Schreyer decision


Good luck to Schreyer applicants today! :heart:

good luck to those hoping to get in.

But remember, if the news is not what you are hoping for, don’t despair. There are also many great opportunities if not in Schreyer.

ACCEPTED TO SCHREYER! I think DS is shellshocked because we know how competitive admissions is. I am so, so proud of him. WE ARE!!


Accepted to Schreyer! Also recipient of the Provost Award. Journalism major. So proud of my son! :tada:


Where do you apply to be waitlisted for Schreyer?

Son accepted to Schreyer. All of us are surprised and grateful. He’s got a lot to think about — he’s recently been offered a full tuition scholarship (+ honors) elsewhere and in-state tuition at another state school as part of another honors college. All of his options are out of state now and frankly, a couple of them are cheaper than any of his in-state options (which he did not apply to). We were surprised by all of it — Schreyer is such an honor, but Penn State is so much more expensive than the other schools at this point. This was the first school he fell in love with……but there are such great things about all the schools he’s been admitted to. It’s been interesting to watch him switch from the stress of applications to the stress of trying to make a decision. Anyway, ultimately this is a good problem to have and he’s very lucky. He has good stats, but not perfect (1540 SAT, 4.16 GPA, six AP/IB courses — but in a school where he could have taken many more, and limited but impactful extracurriculars). He is a good writer and I believe his essays were strong across the board.

Congratulations! And I always want to say that debt is no fun, regardless of plans to become a well paid Smeal grad. Housing and fees go up every year, and tuition often (but not always) does too. Does your student think grad school might be a future choice? Have you factored in travel, or the cost of housing/life if they land a great internship and/or do study abroad?

Smeal is a stellar program, for sure. If your debt is manageable, that’s one thing – but if it would be huge don’t let the honor of getting in overwhelm common sense and your gut feeling that it is not a financial match. But congrats on having such great choices!

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