Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hoping it will come back tonite. Maybe they updated the list by accident too early and realized it was too early to post it. fingers crossed for us.

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What major?

Admitted for Fall at UP! Portal showed an error notice at midnight but also had links to documents for admitted students. One of those docs had a link to LionPath portal, which has a communications tab and the admission letter was in there. Will post the stats in the decision thread in a bit. Thrilled!


Daughter got the acceptance at 12:15 last night (when she woke up to check :joy:). Admitted for fall at UP, college of education. Will post on decision thread later but oos (md), 3.67uw/4.33w, TO, no hooks (no urm, alum relation, etc)


We are still in the waiting game, because we had to change major and they still haven’t updated his application, which has to change before it’s re-reviewed! We are optimistic, he has good stats and has a few acceptances under his belt, but it’s hard to wait, since his TO button disappeared 3 days ago! lol


It doesn’t look like anyone has received anything from the Business School yet. I’m so stressed!

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My daughter is waiting on Business School too.

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Did she apply with a test or without? We applied without and starting to regret our decision. My oldest child graduated in 2021 when things went test optional. She had a great SAT and all A’s in mostly AP and honors, and so much leadership/extracurriculars, athlete. Couldn’t have had anything more and sending her test hurt her for some schools because she was compared to the kids with the extremely high test even though hers was upper 1400’s. Friends got it without test to places and lower grades so we based out decision on past experience.

I applied EA and recently changed the major I am applying to. Previous major required a portfolio submission. New one does not. All was changed correctly by PSU and portal is now updated. My portal did not show TO button previously but now it does again. I know this is special circumstances, but after a conversation with the admissions office I was told Dec 24th is in fact still the date most if not all EA decisions will be made, mine included. Fingers crossed!!!

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It’s still very early. An admissions counselor from PSU told us the majority of decisions will be dropped late Nov to mid Dec. I know it’s hard to wait, but there is still a lot of time. Good luck everyone!



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My son woke up to an acceptance this morning! :slight_smile: His TO button disappeared later in the day yesterday. We are OOS


I’ve been wondering about smeal acceptances. Haven’t seen a lot. Congrats!

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She did submit because her score is in the 1300s which she believed was in the average range for Penn State, but you are making me question if she should switch to test-optional. Thanks for your guidance!

Can you advise what a TO button is?

When you go into your portal there is a menu down the left side. One of the options it to change your test optional (to) status. It has been pulled from the menu for those getting ready to hear.

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Thank you!! Hope we hear soon.

What about if you did submit scores? Then what should I be looking for?

The same tab on the left side will be there, even if you submitted scores because you’re allowed to change your mind and decide not to have them look at your scores. The only way you won’t have that tab is if it has disappeared, which seems to relate to getting your decision soon thereafter in many cases.


Can you tell me what else is on the menu. I am not seeing a TO option but I am using my phone and not sure if the whole menu is just not there. There is a menu but it is general things like how to apply.

Thank you!

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