PSU is 25k/year, USC 45k/year, and UCSB 65k/year
I did not get honors college at PSU, I got presidential scholarship at USC, and I’m in for CCS at UCSB :).
What do you all think I should do? My ultimate goal is still to end up at a top grad school for physics, and my take is that UCSB CCS is by far the best for placement amongst these, but I don’t know if it’s worth the money. Our family would not have to go into any debt, but it would be a squeeze to go to UCSB financially.
Penn State seems to be respectable for physics, at $160k less over four years than UCSB and $80k less over four years than USC.
I’d agree Penn state seems the best priced plus it’s a great program …
CCS? College of Creative Studies? (yes, it is a excellent program at a large campus.)
besides a beach, why on earth would you pay OOS fees to attend a UC? And to go into debt? No way…
Penn State is highly ranked (~top 15) in Physics. Given the cost differential, PSU is a no-brainer.
@bluebayou I think you misread - we would not go into any debt. It would just be a bit uncomfortable as we’re in that “wealthy enough to do it but not wealthy enough for it to be easy” middle ground
yep, critical reading fail. My bad. Still, not worth UC at OOS prices IMO.
@bluebayou Even if I haven’t been admitted into the honors college? I got waitlisted so I’m hoping but