<p>"i dunno it must have been quite amazing except people value SAT score much more than they are actually valued. my cuzin is on the admissions committee for MIT and she says its the biggest misconception, kids think SATs are worth much more than they really are." Shrek2004</p>
<p>I think people value SAT's and stuff a lot on this board because a lot are asians (and a lot of asian parents push for SATs--I'm not kidding, I've heard conversations between Indian parents comparing their SAT scores)...this is not to stereotype but in many cases it's true. (I mean no offense, it's just what I've noticed).</p>
<p>Also people use the SAT on this site more than admissions committees because we don't have access to transcripts, school profiles, recommendations, etc. so SAT's are basically the only judgement criteria that people who judge people's stats can use on this site.</p>
<p>I absolutely agree, that on this board SAT's are too important factor in judging. But... Is it as important for admission officers, that is the question.</p>
<p>I read, that MIT has some kind of Academic INdex, where depending on scores they admit X percent from each range [i.e. X from 1600-1550, X-10 from 1550-1500, etc.]. In such a case - it is very important. </p>
<p>Simply, SAT test takes time, and mostly is not an useful knowledge. Speed of thinking, for instance, should not be the most important factor in research, and so on. </p>
<li><p>If SAT is important, and will get one into a good college - he/she will benefit in future life, will have better research opportunities, or better working company. In such situation, it is reasonable to study a lot for SAT, since one will save the time and effort [after college] for something more important and influential.</p></li>
<li><p>If SAT is not important, it is better to develop, and train Your brain, and concentrate on different things, which will give one acceptance.</p></li>
<p>My thinking on the SAT, is that they can be just as important as GPA for certain schools, such as State schools. Maybe not so much for ivies and liberal arts, but state schools, I think it can mean just as much as GPA. They claim that it's gpa that is more important, but lets face it, if you're applying to Wisconsin with a 1600 SAT, I think more often than not, you will get in, and I'm betting this will ring true for almost all state schools.</p>
<p>matt, MIT assistant director of admission, and lorelle, director of recruitment, told me that MIT has a very holistic approach to the process. Thank god.</p>
<p>MIT definitely doesn't care about perfect GPAs and test scores because there are so many people that have them. You can be such a brilliant person to everyone who meets you, but to an adcom, you're just a couple of pages of text. We ALL deserve to get into such a school, but many of us do not and that's just the reality of the process. Because of this reality, our applications really gotta show how we don't fit the mold of a stereotypical applicant. Is an adcom gonna remember your essay about losing in the semi-finals of a robotics or debate competition, or is he going to remember your essay about how an inspirational (or even traumatizing) childhood experience has molded you into the amazing person that you are today? Showing how you are unique among even the best and the brightest is everything.</p>
<p>SAT scores are very important if an elite college is on the radar screen. If you look at the stats for the accepted students at the most highly selective schools, you will see that there is a very direct relationship between the SAT scores and the % accepted with those scores. Clearly a 1500+ score is much to ones advantage over a 1300 score and below a threshhold the chances of getting into the most selective schools is nil.</p>
<p>Where I see the misconceptions are when kids with high scores think they are a shoo-in at the top schools. Many do not have very good ECs and are totally unremarkable in other aspects of their resume. If a student has high SATs and excellent grades in a challenging curriculum, it is most likely he will get into a selective college, but not a given that he will get into the most selective schools which are really lottery tickets for nearly everyone. I see kids who are incredulous when they see kids lower on the academic stats hierarchy than they are get into schools where they are rejected or waitlisted. Colleges are looking for all kinds of students when they are putting together a classs, and the top academians are only one catergory they are filling. If there is a shortage of kids with a particular skill or interest at a college, and the college has made the decision to build that department, those kids with that skillset will get in over those with higher academic stats. And though we know some of the more traditional categories that enjoy preference in admissions, such as athletes, legacies, URMS, there are really many more that differ from school to school and from day to day.</p>
<p>I do alumni interviews for a LAC in New England that doesn't even look at SAT I scores. The other scores (SAT IIs or APs) that must be submitted are considered a piece of the application puzzle. As with all puzzles, the pieces must fit to give a complete picture. High scores and consistently low grades - not a pretty image in the eyes of the admissions committee.</p>
<p>I am very happy that I can agree with some of You, I just wanted make sure, that I know american system of admission [I am international].</p>
<p>Flatlander, what is the logic of don't looking at SAT I? SATII's is very easy, if only You take about two weeks for preparation for each [it is biased, I am talking only about science and maths].</p>
<p>jpsi, SAT IIs meaure your in-depth knowledge of a particular subject; at my daughter's high school, students take the Biology SAT II after most of a full school year of Honors or AP Bio.</p>
<p>I know a lot of emphasis is placed on scoring high on your SAT Is, which explains the growth industry in books, courses, and tutoring. A high score is better than a low, score, no doubt - but it's not the only thing that adcoms consider.</p>
<p>I heard many opinions that SATII's are simply easier, and it is my personal opinion as well. However, for international like me, the main problem is the lack of vocabulary.
Flatlander, I meant, that knowledge [SATII, You could learn for it., You are able to memorize information] is more indirect way of measuring succes in college, than general abilities [SATI, You understand what they are saying to You.].</p>
<p>I was surprised, that college took the more indirect way.</p>