<p>WAS EXPERIMENTAL..Now that we have the updated "after the test"???</p>
<p>WAS EXPERIMENTAL..Now that we have the updated "after the test"???</p>
<p>It was the Ant Lions one. Thank godd that one was the harder one</p>
<p>^ seriously…someone had told me the ant lions wasn’t the experimental and i got so sad.</p>
<p>but it is yayyyyyy</p>
<p>***? i had writing experimental one too, but i dont think i got ant lion one? there is one section with jackie chan in there as identifying error, is thats the one? so the fraternal twin is the real one, right?</p>
<p>the ant lions section was NOT hard
i was hoping that one counted</p>
<p>I think it was the one with that sentence “born of/from the parents…of the…”</p>
<p>Georgetown_Gal, that was part of the 2nd writing section- the one that was not experimental. (shopping malls)</p>
<p>i had 2 35questioned grammar sections, so my grammar was experimental</p>
<p>i had 3 writing sections too but i could barely remember the ant/lions one…i’m soooooooo scared guys…dec 26 scores will be available online =O</p>
<p>Wait… i had 3 writing sections and the two long ones included one about a shovel art… and the other about a furnace and some kid’s dick dad</p>
<p>^^ I had these two, too. But, I cannot figure out which one was experimental…</p>
<p>a kid about his father section was harder than the other one.</p>
<p>I am hoping that it is experimental</p>
<p>^spzmaos!!! I had that too.
a passage with
a kid & father who bought woodstove was experimental!! yay!!!</p>
<p>Cannot be. The stupid “has shrunk” v.s. “had shrunk” was on the ^^ section, correct? and we know that one wasn’t experimental</p>
<p>R u ^ serious? if that’s true, then I see no future</p>
<p>well pardon me SATdestroyer, i just can’t demolish SATs like you can.</p>