People who left their body wash/shampoo bottles in the communal showers

This happened every so often last year. It usually lasted until the janitors just threw it away.

Even though that people can forget from time to time, they still didn’t retrieve their item even after a couple of days. So, what did I do about this? I either threw it away if it was empty, used it up if there was only a little bit left, or just left it near the sinks so they can pick it up. I even checked the showers from time to time to see if people left any bottles.

Has this ever happened to you?

Dude, what is wrong with you?

  1. Don’t touch girls you don’t know
  2. Don’t touch things that aren’t yours.

Why are you the self-appointed shampoo police? Maybe people don’t want to lug it back and forth to their rooms and just want to leave it there for their own use. If it isn’t yours, don’t use it or worry about it.

So getting people’s thoughts and opinions about random topics is considered negative? I came on here to get some simple feedback on what other people think. I post anything related to college or not because I thought that you would relate to some of the things that I’ve posted on here, expect for my negative experiences.

“I came on here to get some simple feedback on what other people think.”

You have received feedback.

Put them in the trash, using paper towel, if that helps and get on with your life. Students litter.

If it’s empty, toss it. If it has some left put it next to the sink. Lots of bottles in the shower bug me too.

I would assume they are just too lazy to throw their empty bottles away - just dump them in the trash if it bothers you

You have taken quite the stand !!



Simple rule - don’t touch things that aren’t yours.

Totally disagree with those that say you shouldn’t touch it. They are leaving their belongings in a shared space that isn’t meant for leaving personal belongings. Put the bottles outside of the shower and maybe leave little notes outside the showers. If the problem persists, I would personally just throw the bottles away, even if it technically isn’t your property and others consider it rude.

Eeewe… I would absolutely NOT use it… you have no idea of what’s in that bottle!!!

The janitor are in charge of deciding when something needs to go. Leave other people’s things alone. Never use those bottles – you could easily get pranked. Ick.

If this is a chronic issue, mention it to the RA, who can then raise it at a house meeting or send around an email or put up a note. I agree not to use them. In the meantime, make sure that you remember to take your stuff out of the shower.