Perfect timing: Increased opportunities for industrial & manufacturing engineering st

<p>Average starting salary by engineering specialty and degree , 2007 (Dept. of Labor, US)</p>

<p>Curriculum Bachelor's Master's Ph.D.
Industrial/Manufacturing Engineers 55,067 64,759 77,364
Mechanical Engineers 54,128 62,798 72,763
Civil Engineers 48,509 48,280 62,275</p>

<p>Although the economic downturn and a lack of available jobs have placed immense pressure on graduates from all over the United States, students in the department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and Technology have chosen an ideal time, place, and career for a successful future. According to the US Department of Labor Bureau of Statistics, an above-average 20% increase in employment is expected for the Industrial Engineering sector. On the contrary, employment for the Mechanical Engineering sector will have below-average growth of only 4%. Further, data from the US Department of Labor and the National Science Foundation also show that the average salary for Industrial/Manufacturing engineers is higher than that of Mechanical or Civil Engineers.</p>

<p>In addition to higher pay and more job opportunities, students graduating with a degree in Industrial or Manufacturing Engineering also face less competition. As fewer students are studying Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering than Mechanical or Civil Engineering, they have more opportunities to work closely with faculty members on projects in and out of the classroom. Thus, the quality of education and opportunity to stand out in a smaller department far exceeds that of a larger department.</p>

<p>An education in Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering also gives students a strong, broad background that prepares graduates for positions in any organization. Industrial/Manufacturing Engineers have innumerable opportunities for future careers, as they provide what all firms need – efficient processes, elimination of waste, reduction of costs, and increased productivity. Their work is also closely linked with management positions that are vital in any organization, whether in healthcare, entertainment, or industrial corporations.</p>