<p>I've narrowed my college list and am now considering two schools: Cal Poly SLO and Berkeley, both for Business.</p>
<p>My parents have been against Berkeley from the start. This being because of how competitive it is and the possibility of not making it into Haas. They really want me to go to Cal Poly, but a part of me doesn't want to give up Berkeley, even if that means I can't make it into Haas. I know this might come off wrong and I know Cal Poly SLO is an AMAZING school. I was really impressed when I visited it and that's when I first started to consider this school. However, I just never saw myself at a state school... I always thought I would go to a UC or a private.</p>
<p>The main thing I don't like about the arguments between my parents and I is that they won't even open up to the idea of going to Berkeley. I mentioned something about not liking my econ homework and my mom pointed out that I shouldn't go to Berkeley then (assuming Econ was my back up major if I didn't make it to Haas). Just little things like that have really began to get to me (how my parents talk about the negatives of Berkeley and the positives of CPSLO). Not to mention the immense amount of pressure I feel from both of them to attend CPSLO.</p>
<p>I mean, when it comes down to May 1, I might end up going to CPSLO. I could also be going to Berkeley. I don't know yet. Am I perceiving my situation from the wrong perspective/way out of line? I just.. I guess I wanted to hear some encouragement or advice from parents why I should move past on the "state" vs "UC/private" or if my parents are being a bit harsh. Is there a way I could try to get them to not be so negative towards Berkeley? Just stuff like that; I guess this was more of a vent. I'm confused and would really appreciate some help.</p>
<p>Both are excellent schools. I understand having always envisioned yourself at a UC and applaud you for trying to get past that; you should get past it because CPSLO is a great school. It will be difficult for you to do that if your parents can’t get past the idea that you will fail in a competitive environment (IF you went to Cal and IF you didn’t get into Haas and IF not getting into Haas could be called failing, that is). As a parent I feel my job is to help my children to explore every side of an issue and let them decide what’s best for them. Choosing a college is an important decision in which undue influence from the parents could wind up biting them in the butt in the form of future blame for wrong choices. Maybe they’re just trying to illuminate possible pitfalls, but if it feels like pressure to you, you should definitely let them know.</p>
<p>I agree that both are very well reputed schools, though Berkley more so. Is there a cost differential between the two? Would YOU be happy majoring in Econ if you went to UCB and didn’t get into Haas?</p>
<p>I don’t think the ‘top student at 3rd tier school…’ thread is completely pertinent to the issue here (at least what has been stated about the parents’ fears, but may be more pertinent to the OP him/her self). </p>
<p>The question is whether the competition at CAL (or the fear thereof) is reason to go to CPSLO (is their program less competitive?) Are you afraid of the competition or is this just your parents’ concern? I agree that both schools are excellent, but they provide different types of education. Typically the state school programs are focused on practical education / training and the UCs are focused on theory. Its also true that it is very difficult to change majors at CPSLO, so how committed you are to studying business?</p>
<p>Suggest finding someone who is studying business at CAL and get the real story on the level of competition. S1 studied math and classics at CAL, and recently said that the amount of competition varies across majors</p>
<p>good luck. you have a hard choice, but one with two good options</p>
<p>I think at this point, unless financials are a major factor which I assume they wouldn’t be given these two choices, the decision shuld be up to you and not our parents. Firstly, you wouldn’t have been admitted to Berkeley in the first place if you weren’t a very capable student who has already demonstrated the ability to excel. You wouldn’t have been admitted if the school didn’t think you’d succeed. Now that doesn’t mean you’ll end up in Haas but that’ll be up to you. All of you need to realize that there’s a fair chance you’ll change your mind about your major anyway (maybe a couple of times) once you’re actually in college for a while. Your parents need to realize they can be very proud of you regardless of your choice.</p>
<p>Given what you’ve said I’d also be concerned about the possible “what if” mindset (and chip on your shoulder) you’ll have if you don’t choose the campus you really want.</p>
<p>I think you should go to Berkeley. This isn’t based on the capabilities of either campus or your odds of success at either campus but rather, what you’ve stated in your post and how that’s where you really want to go.</p>
<p>Thank you for all your answers. They all have helped me feel a bit better in different ways.</p>
<p>Price does not matter; I don’t think I would be happy majoring in Econ if I went to Cal. I was interested in double majoring in Public Health or using it as a back up, but it’s capped and really hard to get in. I’m planning to look into Integrative Biology or some other form of science if Haas doesn’t work out. (I’ve always loved anatomy and neuroscience)</p>
<p>As for going to CPSLO and knowing it is hard to change major, I am confident in that business is what I want to do. Now, this may not happen if I go to Berkeley, and I know this. (However, the BASE program does seem interesting if I cannot make it into Haas. Even so, I could always get my MBA at a later date). The thing I like about CPSLO is that I will be able to start as a business major right away (hence upside down curriculum) and be able to explore the business concentrations. But yes, I’m pretty sure I will stick with this major. I’m heavily involved with clubs and leadership positions (volunteering - fundraising money) and I love the networking and hosting meetings, etc. I love working with people. (I also attended a business camp taught by a Haas professor where I had to create a business, write a business plan, and present it to investors)</p>
<p>The competition at Berkeley is a bit intimidating, but I see it more as a motivation. I will be pushed to work even harder than before and put in even more effort (not to mention improving time management) in order to succeed at Berkeley. This will be difficult, but also rewarding. Relating this to my psychology class, this would be perceiving the stress of competition as a “challenge” instead of a “threat” =D</p>
<p>Just my two cents
I would not give up going to Berkeley for ANYTHING! Seriously…</p>
<p>Strong statement you’ve made.</p>
<p>Giving up any good school is difficult, but there are many factors that weigh in a decision process. I would have never imagined that I would have passed up UCLA or NYU, but I have. It came down to 1) my major was not taught well and students were disappointed with it and 2) cost.</p>
<p>If I do pass up Berkeley, I know I will be doing it for MY reasons and not my parents. Yes, they have put pressure on it, but I do know why I love CPSLO and I know why I love Berkeley. Some things have more weight than others and all of it will factor in my decision.</p>
<p>try this thread too. <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/899264-uc-berkeley-v-cal-poly-slo-business.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/899264-uc-berkeley-v-cal-poly-slo-business.html</a></p>
<p>Just wanted to say that the fact that other people will perhaps think you are nuts if you pass up UCB is meaningless. Make your own call. My D passed up 4 more highly ranked schools, including CPSLO to attend the school that felt right to her. She has had a fabulous and very challenging first year experience. My best to you!</p>
<p>Thanks, haha. I posted on that thread! I was surprised that someone else was in a similar dilemma.</p>
<p>And what you said is very true. I hope I can figure it out before May!</p>
<p>I have great news: I’m going to be attending Berkeley!
My parents are still a bit uneasy, but they are okay with it now!</p>
<p>Thank you :)</p>
<p>Congrats collegebound111!</p>