Permanent vs Temp address

Question about Addresses!

Before you read this, I’m online schooled so I don’t have a school address.
So, I’ve lived in rural Ohio all of my life and my family still lives in rural Ohio, but Im training for a national competition with coaches in another state (have done this both Junior and Senior year) and fly back and forth between the two places pretty much year-round, except for when training becomes every day 2 months of the year, then I just stay put in Florida training. On the common app, I put my permanent address as my Ohio address, and my temporary one as the one in Florida. However, for the schools I’ve already submitted, they put my Florida (temporary) address on the decision notification (which I’m assuming is because it was listed as my temporary address until April 2023 but I’m unsure), and I’m wondering if they considered me in the Florida or Ohio applicant pool. I know it’s not a huge difference but there are differences in the applicant pools from each state and the courses I’ve taken and activities in the past are in line with the resources around me there.

I guess my question is as follows:

  1. Will I be considered as a Floridian or Ohioan in terms of geographic region?


But the question that was unasked: temporary address is generally used by applicants attending boarding school. You would have been fine just listing your permanent address

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Agree with @skieurope . You are a resident of OHIO. Your high school diploma will be from Ohio. Your parents reside in…Ohio. You will not be considered as a Florida anything.


You reside in Ohio.

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Ok! Thank you! Would that be a problem when it came time to interview if I was by chance in Florida training at the time- I could probably just explain the situation in my additional info, right?

I don’t know what there is to explain that’s not evident.

If an interview comes through while you are in Florida and the interviewer is in OH, explain that you are in FL for training and can the interview be via zoom.