How often do you shower?
Before school, after practice, and before bed. Basically 2-4 times a day.</p>
How do you clean your ears of earwax?
I don't really have earwax problems.. but I wash my ears during my morning shower.</p>
Do you have dandruff?
If so, how do you clean your hair?
I don't have dandruff, but I apply shampoo and lather it in for 2-3 minutes with the tips of my fingers, and rinse dramatically. I typically do that 4-5 times, and then cleanse my hair with some sort of conditioner 4-6 times. Don't laugh.</p>
What kind of deodorant/cologne/perfume do you put on?
Lately, I've been wearing Cool Water by Davidoff, but classically, or when I'm trying to be cute, I wear Vanderbilt by Gloria Vanderbilt. </p>
What do you wear to bed?
Awkwardd. sweatpants and a tank top, usually.</p>
How often do you brush your teeth? Your tongue?
Teeth: 5 times a day (when i get up, after 2nd period, after lunch, after practice, before bed)
Tongue: I don't..</p>
Have you ever had a "white" tongue?
EWW no. What the hell is that?!?</p>