<p>On my acceptance letter, there was a handwritten note from the assistant admissions director. It said something like, “Excellent work, [name]. Hope to see you at BC.” Is this something they write to everybody? Just curious because I want to know if I should feel special or not.</p>
<p>nope. i didnt get one haha so feel special! did you get into the honors program?</p>
<p>Well, mine said “Congratulations!” in actual blue pen ink towards the bottom left. And she signed with actual ink. hahaha. I guess the Assistant Director had some fun personalizing these acceptance letters</p>
<p>I got a note about my essay.</p>
<p>darn. i got nothing lol. oh well. i’m still in so i’m not going to complain</p>
<p>i didnt get a note or anything, i just got an actual signature in reddish ink</p>
<p>I got a note that referenced a part of my essay and she wished me good luck with my ministry (since I do a lot of church-related work) and the rest of my senior year with a personal note about my school. It was surprisingly personal—I feel bad turning down the honors college after reading that!</p>
<p>I got no note, but the asst. director did sign in real ink I got accepted to honors.</p>