Personal Statement Quetion !

I need some answers please..</p>

<p>When a College ask you to write an essay, and the Question is :</p>

<p>"What is it that distinguishes you as a unique candidate for admission to [the college you're applying to] ?"</p>

<p>What do they expect you to write about ? what do they exactly want to know ? do they want you to write about something that happened or something that you do and make you special or what ?</p>

<p>Waiting for your answers and help, thank you.</p>

<p>hey :]
i’ll read it.
do you want to look over mine too?</p>

<p>Hi Aspara, thanks for your answer…
Actually, I’m not looking for someone to read my essay, I just need some infos that all :)</p>

<p>Here’s some good advice about college essays:</p>

<p>[Essays</a>, Admission Information, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“]Essays”></p>

<p>Thank you Adad very much for your help :)</p>