<p>“As evidenced by the Prop 8 voting results, every other person in California is prejudiced against gay people. Maybe UC admissions are a gayfest, but if I were you, I would not take any chances and would steer clear of this controversial topic.”</p>
<p>Not exactly true, it’s not that every other Californian is prejudiced against gays. In fact, my parents have nothing against gay people, but they believe the definition of marriage is the union of man and woman. Sometimes it has got nothing to do with whether you’re against them or not. I didn’t vote or anything so don’t bash me for this.</p>
<p>Also, a lot of people feel this is by definition, what marriage is, I’m a Christian myself, but I honestly don’t care if gays are allowed to get married or not, I find that this is somewhat a trivial issue compared to the whole spectrum of things. I think they should just let them get married, because it dosen’t hurt anyone. But you have to understand a lot do feel that this is an abuse of a sacred ritual meant for a man and woman. </p>
<p>Also it doesn’t help that Hollywood already seems to abuse this ritual, through the almost uncountable number of divorces and re-marriages. I sometimes don’t get why people even decide to get married in the first place, when most end up in divorces, it’s quite a waste of time and money. But then again I guess these celebrities can afford these million dollar weddings.</p>
<p>LOL, I’m sorry to stray from the topic, but to answer your question, I think you shouldn’t worry about what they think about gays. If they reject you based on this then they’re prejudice and you should def. avoid them, but this scenario is almost impossible. Considering that Cali is still one of the most liberal states (Despite prop 8) and has the biggest gay-friendly city in San Francisco. Also I’m betting my money Cal is prob one of the most gay-friendly unis around. See if they’ve got some gay clubs there, that should immediately tell you about the liberal atmosphere there.</p>
<p>I come from a school in a conservative North Florida, but we had gay clubs and and a considerable number of gay students at my uni.</p>
<p>I think your essay will convey your true character, the more controversial, the more your deeper thoughts will shine through, and that’s what unis want to see, your character, personality and thought process. So I have disagree with the above poster.</p>
<p>Good luck to you!</p>