Personal Statment

<p>Hey guys u know for UC personal statement… can it HURT your chances. </p>

<p>And what exactly do they look for? Will they see grammar mistakes and count it against you. Or are they just looking for an idea or thought process and not really that focus on grammar but rather a well organized essay?</p>

<p>yeah i was wondering this too, like if u had the stats and stuff, would the essay hurt your chances?</p>

<p>what i mean is can it work against you.</p>

<p>Another question i have is about the 2nd UC prompt. Is it okay to be general cause I only have 250 words to write something so i just talked about a generally and not so specific is that ok?</p>

<p>bump. Also i am 28 words over the limit. will i be fine</p>

<p>28 words is fine. I believe the essay is a decisive factor in the admissions process seeing as most UCs use holistic and non-objective factors in their admissions process (not solely GPA/testing-oriented).</p>

<p>I thought only Cal and UCLA were holistic. Isn't the whole thing with UCs is that they're numbers driven? Running on points formulas and whatnot.</p>

<p>omg.... </p>

<p>My essays are just too broad. Like i am general about things and not specific is that okay.</p>

<p>Yeah, that's a question I have too. I mean in an english class if you don't follow the prompt you pretty much fail regardless of how good the paper is. Is it the same with the UCs?</p>

<p>I'm sure they'd like for you to clarify so that they may determine what's going on adaquately.</p>

<p>Well my essay you know whats going on and theres a point to my essay however i dont have a solid build up to my point. Its like my essay is half story and half my commentary. Its like a short story embedded with my thinning and influence on me ...... My essay switches between the two really nicely and theres a good flow but i guess i am just stressing</p>

<p>That's kinda what I did with mine too, and I think in the end the point gets there but I don't think the point I make answers the prompt directly.</p>

<p>You may want to rewrite the essay to get the comprehensive point. Think of a bunch of old English teachers that are reading your essay, unless you hit the point in their faces, they might miss it and you may not get the point.</p>

<p>If you answer the personal statement questions most likely you are providing the reader, not all of them are old English teachers, the best information for your application. Remember when we review your application including your personal statement we are looking for certain approved criteria, Freshmen:</a> Application Criteria for Selection Process although a Davis site other UC campuses use the same selection criteria not the same point values, to admit students. Make sure your application and personal statement cover as much as possible. </p>

<p>Can the statement hurt your chances? Of course! Only if it doesn’t include enough information or isn’t clear. We aren’t grading it for grammar or spelling content; we are reading for information. Grammar mistakes will make the message unclear and are not recommended.</p>

<p>I feel that if the essay is brilliant then of course it can help you, if it's just average then it won't hurt you, but if it's trash and almost indicates that you are incompetent then it will hurt you.</p>

<p>UCD Admissions i know the essay can help you but can it work against you? As in will a bad essay get you rejected not the other way around such as a bad essay might not help you get into the university. But i beleive my essay is good i just dont want to be cliche and like everyone else, i dont really have a hook cause i know every essay is going to try to go for one, so i stayed away from what most other people are going to do.</p>

<p>Im sure all the UCs look at them but it will probably be a quick glance except for cal and la because they are exceptions. There is way too many applications for the readers to spend to much time reading a persons essays. I think the essays do matter just not as much as the privates.</p>

<p>A bad essay will only get you rejected because it didn’t include the information we needed to admit you and only because it didn’t include information.</p>

<p>It's probably a little late now for you to be looking at this, but if you're still stuck, go to: UCTV--University</a> of California Television and scroll down to the personal statement. There is an approximately 50 minute (free) presentation by the University of California on how to write the statement, and what the readers are looking for. Good luck to all of you.</p>

<p>Yeah its kind of too late for that UCLA77 but its okay i got my read by a couple of teachers who are famillar with the applications and i got no objections.</p>

<p>Anyway i have 1,045 words??? is that fine or should i cut it down??</p>

<p>NOOO, I can't believe i didn't ahve that before.</p>