PG schedule

<p>Alright I'm debating on what my PG schedule should be.</p>

<p>Here is what I'm thinking.</p>

<p>AP Psych
AP Gov
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
PG English
Photo II
Digital Photo II</p>

<p>The point of my PG year is to make my transcript look better. I feel like academically this would look better than what I really want to do. I'm planning to be a photo major so what I want to do is instead of taking AP Government I would take Digital Photo III and Photo III. That way I could be doing photo all year and be able to improve my portfolio.</p>

<p>I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>Uh, what is PG?</p>

<p>presumably “postgraduate,” which means the year between high school and college</p>

<p>Post grad. Its another year of high school after senior year. People usually do it for sports but I am doing it to improve my transcript before applying to college.</p>

<p>Instead of replacing AP Government, which I think is fairly important, you could easily replace AP Psychology with the art classes, which are also important for you. Then, you could self-study AP Psych. It is probably the easiest AP to study independently – really interesting reading material as well. Good luck. :]</p>

I would agree with you but I just looked at the the course guide for my school for next year and they don’t even offer AP Gov. I guess I saw regular gov and assumed ap gov was there too. So I guess that settles that hahah.</p>

I’m not talking about like rating. I mean postgraduate…</p>

<p>PG-13 isn’t fun. Compared to R at least.</p>

<p>We aren’t talking about ratings!!!</p>

<p>I had absolutely no idea. I apologize for rudely interrupting your thread. <em>leaves</em></p>

<p>You have to be 17 or older to take an R rated schedule… Seniors only?</p>

<p>sorry if my exclamation points came off in a negative way.</p>

<p>It was an easy mistake : )</p>

<p>Only if they don’t share them with their classmates. o:</p>