Pharmacy Accelerated Programs

Hi. I need some help deciding which schools to go to. I am definitely set on studying pharmacy. I live in California but I am pretty open to going to wherever has the best program. I get the most money from SJU, but I don’t think that its worth to go because the school is not that highly ranked. I also want to go to a school where I can have more advancement opportunities after earning a PharmD such as a MBA (masters in business admin) because I don’t want to work in retail. Also, do you earn a BS in pharm from any of these schools? Lastly, could you give me some tips about appealing financial aid? I know I have a lot of questions, so you don’t necessarily have to answer all of them, but a little insight would be super helpful. :))

These are the schools I got into:
University of the Pacific (2+3 program) – ($43k) regents scholarship $22k/year [i think this only applies to undergrad years]
Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy (0-6) – no aid ($55k)
University of Rhode Island (0-6) --no FA has come out yet – centennial scholarship $9k per year
St. John’s University (0-6) – ($36k) provost scholarship $25k/year, sju grant $1,500

Deferred to Regular Decision:
Northeastern University (0-6) I really like the co-ops

Here are my STATS: (not too great :frowning: which means I get less financial aid) im bad at taking standardized tests
ACT: 31
SAT: 1390
SAT II: (MATH 2) 760 (CHEM) 700
EXTRACURRICULARS: lots of volunteer work (hospital, community, school etc), jobs, sports

To answer one of your questions - a BS in pharmacy is no longer an option. To be a licensed pharmacist you must obtain a PharmD.

When all numbers are in compare the net cost of each school, going by direct billed costs (tuition, fees, room board, keep in mind costs for all 6 years), minus aid.

Then find out if you have to pay for health insurance policy at school if out of state, consider cost and ease of travel.

Go to the school where you need to borrow the least amount of money.

If you want an MBA, do that later after working a few years, this will add more cost.

For quality of program, look at Naplex pass rates, if the majority of students pass on the first try the program prepared them well.

See which schools will give you AP credit towards pharmacy prerequisites.

You will most likely need 1000 or more intern hours for your state licensing.

So make sure to line up pharmacy jobs for summers. Retail should be easiest to get into, even if it’s not your favorite.

Definitely do paid internships, you need the money.

You don’t need to do coops for pharmacy.

Hi @taskmstrx, thanks for your response. I understand that you receive a PharmD when you complete the program. I was just wondering if you also get a BS.

Hi @mommdc, thanks for your input. I will be sure to check out the Naplex results and any other additional costs

I am not aware of any 0-6 programs that award a BS.

@taskmstrx Oh ok. Would a BS be beneficial?

The advantage of a 0-6 program is that if you are accepted and maintain eligibility (GPA), you don’t have to apply to another school and might not have to take the PCAT.

2+4 programs also award the PharmD in 6 years, and some have early assurance programs where you are accepted as a high school student and as long as you fulfill requirements (particular classes, GPA, minimum PCAT score) during your first two years, you will be admitted to the pharmacy school. Some of these award the BSPS after 4 years (2 years pre-pharmacy and 2 years pharmacy school).

Hi, so im not sure on how to “close” a discussion, but anyways I’m not going to go to a pharmacy accelerated program. Got rejected at UCLA but got into UCSD and UCI so im going to study pharmacological chemistry at UCSD and then decide if pharmacy is truly my passion. Im also instate so I can save money. Thanks for all your help!