Pharmacy Alternatives to Gannett

Gannett pharmacy doesn’t take my family’s insurance do I’ve been trying to find a good alternative that’s easy to get to. I’m having trouble finding out what is closest by bus (I won’t have a car). Target seems kind of far away. Would something in the Commons be a better option? My main concern is that it’s easy and fast to get to. Any help is appreciated.

The pharmacy at Wegmans or Target might be your best bet. I can’t think of any that are on the commons. Neither of those are particularly difficult to get to by bus.

Is it possible to fill your prescription via your mail order plan and have a 90 day supply shipped to you?

There is a right aid on one of the corners of Cornell campus - but it is far away. TCAT may take you there. But if you are sick , bite the bullet and go to Gannettt - your student health fee should cover some of it at least! Ask the nurse over there! DS took advantage of that and our plan does not cover gannett either. So, check out before you go anyplae - student health fee provides some. Remember, everyone pays student health fee.

Bus 30 goes through North Campus directly to Target. It takes about half an hour.

Bus 15(?) goes from Central Campus to Wegmans. It takes about an hour.

You can get your prescriptions the same day you go grocery shopping.