Pharmacy Question~


<p>I am a high school senior in Texas, and I am very interested in applying for the 6 year pharmacy programs, who are mostly in out of states.</p>

<p>Do the programs prefer in-state residents in compare to the ones from out of state? </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I think admission mostly has to do with GPA and PCAT scores.</p>

<p>oh yeah that would be true with the 4+2 pharmacy programs.
but how about the 0-6 pharmacy programs? the ones that admit you directly from high school?
btw thanks for replying.</p>

<p>There are fewer and fewer 0+6 programs. Duquesne has just switched form 0+6 to 2+4. For those that are 0+6, I am told by recent applicants that they go on GPA and SAT scores. If you can get into one of them, take it. Admission to the 2+4 programs is getting really competitive which makes some students apply two or three times to get in.</p>

<p>Texas apparently has six pharmacy schools. Here is the link:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The U of Houston seems to have an early assurance program, which is almost as good as direct admission, where you are promised admission to pharmacy right out of hs if you complete two years of prepharmacy courses successfully.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your advice Ikf725.</p>

<p>does VA or any states boardering VA have pharmacy schools like that where you are assured a spot after two years?</p>

<p>because most schools with pharm are big state schools, they definetly prefer in-staters by far.</p>