<p>I plan on taking</p>
<p>Phase I Start: Tuesday 04/29/08 03:30 PM </p>
<p>Phase II Start: Friday 08/01/08 10:40 AM</p>
<p>Chem 3B+L
French 3
Latin 1
IB 160 (Evolution)</p>
<p>I plan on taking</p>
<p>Phase I Start: Tuesday 04/29/08 03:30 PM </p>
<p>Phase II Start: Friday 08/01/08 10:40 AM</p>
<p>Chem 3B+L
French 3
Latin 1
IB 160 (Evolution)</p>
<p>all the admissions buzz is taking precedence over registration matters...</p>
<p>bumping this</p>
<p>Always go for the ones with the smallest classes that fill up first. Languages fill up first.</p>
<p>I have another question, though -- anyone take r1b history of art? If so, is it interesting and any recommendations/avoidance of profs? Thanks.</p>
<p>I need to take an R1B class too, but I have no idea what to take! All I really want is just light reading and minimal writing (which is hard to find). Any ideas?</p>
<p>German or Scandinavian for sure</p>
<p>Yeah I was looking 4 that, but they're really thin on R1B's for fall on the schedule and no German or Scandinavian. Did you take one of those classes? If so, what authors in general/subject matter? Like Kafka or Mann for German or Ibsen or something like that? Trying to get a little more detail.</p>
<p>Also, if there are any good literature/writing classes (for Haas prereqs), please share! :)</p>
<p>A lot of departments do their R#As only in fall and their R#B only in spring, and both in both in summer</p>
<p>ahhhhhhhh! Half the classes I need/want to take aren't even being offered in fall, grrrrr. Maybe I should take all decal classes or hybernate until Spring . . . .</p>
<p>it sucked last semester. I was considering taking ancient Greek or Hindi, but 1 or 1a wasn't being offered</p>