PhD in anthropology chances


<p>I’m from India and want to apply to Harvard, Berkeley, Michigan, Chicago, Columbia and Cornell for a PhD in anthropology. My GRE score is 1410 (700-v;710-q). Could someone tell me if my score is good enough for these schools? Or should I be making a different list? Also, would I’d be eligible for full scholarship?</p>

<p>Any info would be welcome…Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>My profile is as follows:</p>

<p>AGE: 22</p>

<p>SEX: Female</p>

<p>NATIONALITY: Indian</p>


<li>All India Senior School Examination- 84.2%
(Class 10) 2001 English, Hindi, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics.</li>

<p>All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination-82.8%
(Class 12) 2003 English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. </p>

<p>B.A. Psychology 2003-06 84.6% (ranked 3rd in the university)
Psychology(Main),Physiology, Statistics. </p>

<p>M.A. Anthropology 2006-08 CGPA 9.57, Gold Medal </p>

<p>Written an article accepted for an edited volume to brought out in 2009 by the Cambridge Scholars Publishing.</p>

<p>Additional Courses:</p>

<p>Name Year Institution Grade

  1. Certificate in Human Rights 2005 IGNOU, Delhi II Division<br>
  2. Certificate in Disaster Management 2006 IGNOU, Delhi I Division<br>
  3. Diploma in Creative writing 2006 IGNOU, Delhi Result awaited
  4. Completed level 4 of the French course offered at Alliance Francaise de Hyderabad.
  5. Completed Level 1 of the German course offered by the Goethe Institut, Hyderabad.</p>


<p>Recipient of scholarship in Painting awarded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for 7 years.</p>

<p>Conducted solo painting exhibitions in Cochin (1995, 2002), Calicut (1996), Kottayam (1997), Chennai (1999), Mumbai (2001).</p>

<p>Participated and won competitions of Quiz, Debate and Dramatics at school, college and university level.</p>

<p>Represented college as member of women’s football team in 2003.</p>


<p>An avid reader; puts pen to paper on occasion.
Loves painting and theatre.
Has a passion for languages.
Enjoys traveling and meeting new people.</p>


<p>• Assistant Cultural Secretary, Kendriya Vidyalaya CLRI: 2001- 02.
• School Pupil Leader, Kendriya Vidyalaya CLRI: 2002-03.
• Secretary, Psychology Association, Union Christian College: 2004-05.</p>


<p>• Illustrated for the magazines Bhashaposhini (1995), India Today (1998), Chatterbox (1999).</p>

<p>• Summer job as editor’s assistant at The Keralite Lady (May 2006).</p>

<p>• Worked as freelance reporter for The Hindu- Metroplus, Cochin edition (April-May 2006).</p>

<p>What type of anthropology? I'm assuming cultural. Regardless, it's very difficult to chance people at the graduate level, because it's so much more than just grades and test scores. How your interests fit with the department is very important as are your letters of rec...If you are accepted to any of those universities then you will likely receive full funding.</p>

<p>Thanks, vastlyoverrated !:)</p>