Phi Kappa Phi!

<p>That’s fine. Don’t mind paying for them. Since you mention shipping charge, I wonder if we need to order them from the organization themselves.</p>

<p>Yes, some were ordered from the organizations themselves. You can order cords, stoles or keys from the appropriate organizations.</p>

<p>After finally digging through the totes, I found my stuff from Phi Kappa Phi, which son was inducted into in April of his second year at Bama. He came in with 30 AP and took 6 credits the summer before, so he was classified as a junior at that point.<br>
For those of you who will attend the induction, there will be a program, a certificate, a pin, and the honor cord to wear at graduation. I also had a copy of the Crimson White in there, because I somehow found out that there was an ad in there congratulating all the new inductees, so I just had to get a copy of a paper with my son’s name on it. (That’s never happened!).<br>
Son was inducted in April 2012, and I remember there was a small reception afterwards, where there was fruit, punch, light snacks. There was not a sit down dinner.
For those unable to attend, I remember there was an email that indicated where you could pick up your certificate and pin, and perhaps even your honor cord, at an office on campus.
Son has agreed to only wear his engineering tassel, his honor stole (for Latin honors), and his Phi Kappa Phi honor cord at graduation. I don’t know if Tau Beta Pi (engineering honor society) wears anything, but he said he’s not going to walk across the stage with all that stuff. At least I get him to put Tau Beta and Phi Kappa on his resume.
He’s far too humble, and after four years of battles over this stuff, I’ve finally thrown in the white towel.</p>

<p>Montegut, while I know it can be a battle to get a kid to be things on his resume that he did, please continue to encourage him to do so. One of the reasons why my son received the scholarships he got was his resume. It is not uncommon for an admissions rep or employer to ask about something that a student has done. The nice thing is that it shows that they have been interested in what a student has done. </p>

<p>And trust me, there will be lots of kids with cords, pins, stoles and everything in between worn on graduation day.</p>

<p>Has anyone else had issues with the link provided to pay the fee for joining Phi Kappa Phi? It won’t open in Safari or Explorer. It opens using Firefox, but then it times out while completing the application. D is in class so we called but were told to contact Phi Kappa Phi directly for enrollment issues. No answer by phone or email. ??? We were on the fence about whether she should join this one, but decided to go ahead. Now we are back to square one.</p>

<p>I completed the app 9 days ago and didn’t experience what you are describing, bamagirls. The only thing I found peculiar was that after I hit the submit button, I did not get directed to a page telling me that the app had been received. I was about to give up and try another day when my son told me that he had just gotten a confirmation email. If he had not been sitting beside me with his email open, I would have assumed that the application didn’t go through. </p>

<p>Thanks, SECfam. DH finally reached someone who is looking into it. D tried it Saturday and Sunday with no luck.</p>

<p>I had the same problems. I emailed Dr. Stacy Jones at UA to inform her of the problems, and emailed the contact at Phi Kappa Phi national headquarters. Turned out they were having.MAJOR server issues all weekend long followed by database problems all day Monday.</p>

<p>I ended up calling headquarters on Monday and a very nice woman there was able to get our payment processed.</p>

<p>She said it was a very tense, difficult day in the office as everyone was all stressed out with the computer problems and people trying to get registered before the deadline. We laughed and joked about it, and I hope I made her day a little brighter. Computers always seem to know how to break down at the very worst time!</p>

<p>Is anybody else going to the induction ceremony next Monday? DH and I will be heading down. I’d love to meet any other CC parents who will be there.</p>

<p>Did any CC parents go to the induction ceremony? I’d love to hear what I missed. DS was unable to be there, so I didn’t go either. </p>

<p>I was there. It was a very nice, short ceremony. The emails sent to the students said it would start at 4, but the printed programs said it would start at 4:30. Made for a lot of waiting for things to start. They had seats reserved for 50 students (more than that actually joined, and all the names were printed in the program), but only 29 actually showed up. Maybe half had parents there. </p>

<p>The students walked across the stage, received their tassel and a pin. They also received printed membership certificates.</p>

<p>There was a lot of food at the reception after! Fruit, cheese, olives, shrimp spread with bread/crackers, stuffed mushrooms, crostini with asparagus and parmesan, chicken sliders, BBQ meatballs, chocolate trifle and a raspberry cheesecake similar dessert, and peach punch.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, my daughter had a class at that time and couldn’t go. I wonder if they send the certificate and pin to the students? How many joined?</p>

<p>Thanks, BAMAMom2Be. I’m glad that you were able to attend. My son just texted me to let me know that he picked up his pin, certificate, honor cord and ceremony program at Russell Hall, Room 328. Hope that info will help you, mominwestlake. I am very glad that they saved him a program! </p>