Philippine Student looking to study at a UC

<p>Hey guys. First post!</p>

<p>Well my Junior year has just concluded and I am heading into my Senior year. As I have had many relatives graduate from UC Berkeley, I am wanting to move back to the USA after taking high school abroad. </p>

<p>I am ultimately looking to major in Computer Science at UCB. However, my greatest fear is the differences between the curriculum here (Philippines) and the USA.
For one, the ACT and SAT tests are not offered in the Philippines. The grading system here is by averaging, though I'm not sure if it makes a difference. The academic subjects are similar, however we do not have electives over here. I'm worried that I'd have to spend a couple years (as told by my parents) in a junior college in California to fulfill the academic requirements of UC.</p>

<p>I've been doing some reading on the website of UC Berkeley and I am considered a "domestic applicant with foreign credentials". Does this mean that I would need to fulfill the requirements of a student in California?</p>

<p>I've been getting high grades in all of my subjects, with my lowest being an 87 in World History. My average this year is 92.65. </p>

<p>It just seems like life is getting ahead of me and I should start preparing anyways for college. Thanks for any help! :)</p>

<p>You can study on your own for SATs/ACTs – through books or online – and take the tests in the Philippines. (They’re offered worldwide, check their websites.) </p>

<p>If you do well on the SATs, and since you have good grades, you’re likely to get into at least some UCs as a freshman. (As you know Berkeley/UCLA are hardest get to get into.) Don’t worry too much about the different educational system in the Philippines; plenty of foreign students get in as freshmen to the UCs even though they did high school overseas. Since you’re not a resident of California, you will be paying out-of-state tuition.</p>