Phone Interview....Should you send thank you e-mail?

<p>When you get a telephone interview is it appropriate to follow up with an e-mail thanking the prof or should you just say thank you at the time of the call? I know that everyone is swamped so I didn't know what is the correct thing to do. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think that thank you notes are always nice and appreciated. I certainly wouldn’t send a written thank you note but an email wouldn’t hurt.</p>

<p>It is common that people send a thank-you email to the interviewers within 1 to 2 days after an interview (no matter it is an application to a graduate school or a company). I sent an email to show my appreciation to the talk and share what I have learnt during the interview with the profs after a phone interview. Finally I got the offer (Duke), althought not necessarily related to the email</p>

<p>I think an email is great, you ought to thank them for interviewing you; you really are grateful for the chance; they may decide quickly so an email gets there in a timely fashion. For example DD had a PhD interview on a Monday and got an email of acceptance on Thursday, it was nice that she had emailed her thanks on Monday</p>