phys ed requirement

<p>so, columbia requires you to take two semesters of some phys ed class.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>what are you all thinking of taking? </p>

<p>i want to do volleyball, but i'm not sure if it's co-ed. and if it is, i don't want to be the only guy over there! does anyone know anything about this?</p>

<p>All the PEs are co-ed. Plenty of guys play volleyball, so I'm not sure what you're afraid of.</p>

<p>Take whatever you want.</p>

<p>some sort of dance definitely! maybe ballet, because i know the basics and have always wanted to take classes...just dont wanna be surrounded by a bunch of ppl en pointe lol...</p>

<p>I took volleyball freshman year first was awesome....about 50/50 ratio of guys to girls and alot of fun.</p>