I’ll probably be joining high school soon, grade 11 most probably. I heard there is a necessary physical exam. I’m a little worried since I’m thinking it includes breast and genital tests too. Please help. do they?
P.s i don’t know a lot about US high schools so help me out
As a high school senior who has been in the U.S. public school system all her life, I have never had a school official touch any privates for an exam. We did have to take a physical fitness test (pacer run, flexibility test, etc.) every year in middle school and the one year in high school I had to take Gym/PE to graduate.
Oh okay. I was wondering because the high school I’m planning on joining states in it’s requirements that a physical examination is required to be performed by a physician. By googling, I found out that a physical exam may include private part checking so I got a little worried…
I’m hoping what you’re saying is right. @malvernvarna
That doesn’t sound good. I hope I’m right too. Is the school you’re looking at any sort of special school - charter, private, parochial, magnet, preparatory, etc.?
I think they just want you to schedule a checkup with your family doctor. At least, that’s all I ever had to do.
It’s probably just a physical, which is short for a physical check up given by your doctor. They’re required for new students to the school system, and if you want to participate in school sports, I usually get them every year for clearance too.
Oh I see, thanks all!