<p>who do you guys think is the best (and easiest) professor for physics 10? also, do they each teach a certain quarter or does that change often? thanks!</p>
<p>physics 10 is a joke. im taking it with gruner but the thing is i haven’t ever been to lecture. and i only go to discussions to turn in hw. guess what. i have 100 in the class. owned</p>
<p>i am in physics 6a now… would it be worth it to take physics 10 not just to boost my math/sci gpa but to also prepare for my other physics classes and for the mcats? or is that class really a joke, even for a pre-med who absolutely does not have physics talents?</p>
<p>you can’t take physics 10 if you get credit for 6a first.</p>
<p>You hardly learn anything in Physics 10. Hardly any problem solving skills used, perfect for non-technical students who get a formula and immediate bring out the calculator without thinking about what to do next :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Sometimes some dimensional analysis could help …</p>