<p>I saw the huge set of books at Ackerman, and there's this Study Guide that comes with it, is it required for the class? What is it basically?</p>
<p>the study guide just gives a brief summary of the chapters in the textbook. you don’t need it at all.</p>
<p>oh wow…lol thanks</p>
<p>Oh and does anyone know about that Mastering Physics thing? What is it?</p>
<p>Mastering Physics Software University Physics 12th Edition
ISBN 10: 0321500288
ISBN 13: 9780321500281 </p>
<p>it’s a software where it give you a code to log into the website and i believe some the prof use that for homework assignment.</p>
<p>The study guide is soo useless… Lots of errors. :(</p>
<p>Does Malkan use Mastering Physics?</p>
<p>Does Gekelman use Mastering Physics?</p>
<p>I just found out through my prof that anyone taking physics uses it.</p>
<p>Corbin doesn’t b/c he has optional hw. But I would still avoid him like h1n1.</p>
<p>Yeah, Corbin can be a crazy exam maker, but no one else can lecture better than him. If you don’t have a schedule conflict, go to his lecture and take another professor’s exam. Also go to his workshop.
Mastering Physics is $50 separate… such a ripoff, especially if you don’t want to buy the textbook, like me.</p>
<p>mastering physics is 45 dollars for a year</p>
<p>i have the whole book (ABC) + the complete solutions manual if you’re interested. cheaper than at ackerman for sure</p>
<p>does mastering physics give questions for homework, or do the questions come from the book? I read somewhere that people have the solutions to Mastering Physics.</p>
<p>The questions are almost always book problems with the numbers changed a little bit.</p>