physics ap exam

<p>i was looking on the williams site and from what i can gather, you don't have to take as many math courses if you got a 4 or 5 on your ap calc ab exam (done), but it seems as though if you take the ap physics exam you can place out and move into a harder class-- which is a BIG no-no for me since i'm not even doing very well in my class right now. did i read the site correctly? does anyone know?</p>

<p>Williams physics and math depts have their own placement exams, which you will take regardless of your AP or SAT scores. They decide. You report. They will throw you in the very deep end, if you/they want to, based on the school's own placement tests.</p>

<p>driver--are you sure that's the case? I know Williams is changing what they're doing with APs, but my frosh year (two years ago), getting a 4 or 5 on the AB AP calc would get you into math 105 if you wanted. If you got a 4 or 5 on the BC AP Calc you could get into 106, which for the most part is similar to 105 but had some additional stuff. </p>

<p>There's a mandatory math placement exam when you come into Williams, but I believe it will only place you into the lower math classes (101, 102, 103--which I think are from algebra-calculus). if you get a 4 or 5 on the AP calc test than the placement exam is going to be a moot point for you because you'll be in 104, 105, or 106.</p>

<p>Now, I'm not altogether positive on any of the above--check it out for yourself--but that's what I can remember.</p>

<p>You could be right about the math, Haon. In physics, they didn't offer my daughter much of anything based on her 5 on the AP Physics, but based on the placement exam, she skipped the whole first year of physics.</p>

<p>From the 2005-2006 Williams College Bulletin (p. 224 - <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>

<p>"The suggested placement in an appropriate calculus course is determined by the results of the Advanced Placement Examination (AB or BC) if the student took one... A student who receives a 4 or 5 on the AB examination is ordinarily placed in Mathematics 105."</p>

<p>Math 105 is Multivariable Calculus. I don't see anywhere that the advanced placement reduces the number of required math courses - just where you start.</p>

<p>For Physics, the Bulletin says (p. 253 - <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>

<p>"Placement is based on AP scores, consultation with the department, and results of a placement exam administered during First Days."</p>

<p>Again, this seems to determine only where you start, but does not reduce the number of courses required.</p>

<p>The Bulletin has a lot of other information, and can be a fun read for admitted students or their parents. You can get links to all of the info or download a copy online at the following link: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>