<p>Anyone know the quality of the program/anything about it?</p>
<p>i dont have much personal experience with the physics department but i was a mathematics major so i am familiar with that 'side' of the university. its a 'side' that i can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone and is, in my opinion, bucknells strongest.</p>
<p>part of this strength is the direct result of having a strong engineering department on campus. a significant number of additional faculty have to be maintained in order to teach the few semesters of math and physics that all engineers are required to complete. however, the engineering students dont make use of many of the resources required to maintain a larger faculty nor do they approach many of them for research opportunities. what this means, obviously, is that there are many more research opportunities than would otherwise be found at a liberal arts college, on both an absolute and per capita basis, for those who do major in math and physics.</p>
<p>in addition, i simply found the faculty in both departments outstanding (i did some research in chaos theory one semester and communicated with a handful of physics professors). they know their stuff, but thats going to be true at any college with a good faculty. more importantly, theyre good teachers and you, the student, come first.</p>
<p>its a great combination.</p>
<p>are there other great schools out there? certainly. but bucknell is a school i would definitely put on my list and investigate further.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.bucknell.edu/Physics/%5B/url%5D">http://www.bucknell.edu/Physics/</a></p>