Physics/Math at CC

<p>Seems like CC has a lot of great teachers, but does anyone have personal experience with the physics and/or math professors? Do these depts have a lot of good teachers. Asking as a math/physics guy who wants to go to a great liberal arts college and get a broad education beyond my specialty.</p>

<p>son is a senior and has taken several offerings in physics and math departments. one of his room-mates is a physics major. both of these departments seem quite solid with great instructors. dick hilt is a near god on campus and lots of non-science students “bid” heavily to take his classes just to have the experience.</p>

<p>My S is a 3rd year student. He’s had good experience with the math courses and the one astronomy course he’s taken, not so good with his one physics course. Maybe he just did not connect with that one professor. Geology seems to be among the strongest of the science departments at CC.</p>

<p>Thanks for the great info. Any physics MAJORS out there who can comment?</p>